30 By 30


Today’s my birthday, and I turned the big 2-9., which means that next year comes the big

I decided to make a list of 30 things I’d like to tackle in the kitchen before I hit the ripe old age of 30.  I totally ripped this idea off Kelsey; I just chose to complete it prior to hitting 30,  rather than the year I turned 30.

Many of these are things I’ve  been wanting to make for ages, but just haven’t gotten to.  Not all of these ideas are challenging.  In fact, many really aren’t.   Sure, some I consider to be a bit complex or time consuming, which may be why I haven’t tackled them yet (here’s lookin’ at you, cassoulet).  Some of them are things I enjoy and are easy to make, but I’ve never made them myself (croque monsieur).  Others I’ve made, but either never perfected or never blogged (scalloped potatoes, quiche).  Of course there’s the bread/dough recipes, which I vow to make more of every new year (and never do).

And nearly all of them are fattening.

Wish me luck! And if you have a favorite recipe for anything on this list, please share! As I make the items on the list, I will link them to my post.

30 by 30

  1. Bagels
  2. Focaccia
  3. Pizza dough
  4. Pâte à choux (in the form of Gougéres)
  5. Onion jam
  6. Ceviche
  7. Queso Fundido
  8. Pozole
  9. Gumbo
  10. Albóndigas
  11. Fried chicken
  12. Beef Wellington
  13. Fettuccine Alfredo
  14. Osso Buco
  15. Cassoulet
  16. Something with beurre blanc
  17. Scalloped potatoes or gratin/dauphinois potatoes
  18. Spaetzle
  19. Gnocchi
  20. Croque Monsieur
  21. Quiche
  22. Iced/frosted sugar cookies
  23. Amygdalota (Greek almond cookies)
  24. Tres leches cake
  25. Cassata cake
  26. Pantespani or Ravani (Greek sponge/syrup cakes)
  27. Key lime pie
  28. Double-crusted pie
  29. Sticky toffee pudding
  30. Kok (Greek pastry with creme filling and ganache)

30 By 30

35 thoughts on “30 By 30

  1. Happy birthday Elly and good luck with your list. I’ve been planning to make kok but now that I am on a diet it may take long than I anticipated 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday Elly! After many pie crust failures, I decided to try one that Annie’s eats uses – it’s a Williams Sonoma one, http://www.williams-sonoma.com/recipe/basic-pie-dough.html?cm_src=OLDLINK. You need to double it for a double crust. I make it by hand with a pastry blender and it is foolproof!! Annie has also pointed to this great pizza dough from Cook’s Illustrated that is a no-fail version – http://annies-eats.com/2010/04/29/perfect-homemade-pizza-crust-tips-and-tricks/. As for Fried Chicken – Cook’s Illustrated has had one for many years that is great.

  3. I’ve got the first three covered in my blog and love all the recipes. Peter Reinhart’s bagels and focaccia are do die for, and Baking Illustrated’s pizza dough – well, you read my blog…

  4. Your list is mah-velous! Have to admit, there are a few things things I don’t recognize. But my daughter-in-law makes the very best sugar cookies; I’ll send the recipe. (Actually, she says they should be called butter cookies.) Happy birthday! Back at you later with the receipt!

  5. Oooon, what a good idea ! Hope you had a wonderful birthday – and hope you have a wonderful time with this project. I might have to go away and write my own list, though I’m about to turn 28. Not sure 29 by 29 has quite the same ring! 😀

  6. Happy Birthday Elly! I made bagels for the first time for my mom for mother’s day last year, and they were a huge hit! They weren’t too difficult, but time consuming. Totally worth it in the end, though! Good luck with your list!

    1. Kerstin – I haven’t made croissants. I originally had them on my list but figured I had enough breads and sweet-type things 🙂

  7. Happy belated! Hope it was a great weekend. 🙂 Tyler Florence’s scallops in beurre blanc is pretty much my favorite thing in the whole world. Technically, beurre blanc shouldn’t have any cream in it (that’s beurre nantais), but a couple of splashes really makes the sauce more stable and tastier, in my opnion.

  8. Happy Birthday Elly! Na ta ekatostiseis!

    That’s a great list and I can’t wait to see your posts on each item you tackle. You’ve got some yummy cooking to get to this year!

  9. Happy belated birthday, Elly. I LOVE that you took this idea. I noticed we’ve got a couple of things in common on our lists. Maybe we should pick one and make it “together” some time.

  10. I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago. I love it! I was so inspired by your 30 x 30, I decided to do a 50 x 50 version with old high school friends on Face Book. Sort of a challenge for all of us. I was such a fabulous idea. Thanks for sharing.

      1. We have 41 people participating in this group 50 by 50 Adventures in Experimental cooking, including one man. The requirement is to post a picture in our facebook group. Then we’ll compile a cookbook I think many of the participants will exceed 50! Thanks again for a wonderful idea and your great recipes!

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