Skillet Chicken Saltimbocca Spaghetti


A while back, I had a friend tell me that if there was anything I didn’t like, I should just wrap it in prosciutto or stuff it with goat cheese and then I’d be cool with it. And, you know, she wasn’t wrong. Prosciutto is one of my favorite things. I love it for its saltiness. I love that it can be eaten on its own, with vegetables, in a sandwich, with fruit. I love that you can crisp it up and it takes on a whole new greatness. It’s no wonder, then, that I also love chicken saltimbocca. And of course, this recipe for a version that includes spaghetti and is all cooked in one pan jumped right out at me.

We’ve had this dish at least three or four times now, and it has yet to disappoint. Clearly, I thought I would enjoy this, but I was surprised at how delicious it was given its simplicity and relatively short list of ingredients. Tom asked if this was an America’s Test Kitchen recipe after eating it because “they always nail it.” Ian, true to form in this household, has started putting together two-word phrases that are largely about food. So the last time we had this, I got to hear “more pasta?” about a million times.

I add a higher broth to water ratio than the recipe (and have gone even higher than what I’ve listed below) but I do love salt. If you are more sensitive to it, you may want to stick with the original, which is 3 cups broth and 1.5 water. The prosciutto and capers obviously add a saltiness to the dish, too. The lemon juice and zest, though, really brighten this dish up.

Skillet Chicken Saltimbocca Spaghetti

11 thoughts on “Skillet Chicken Saltimbocca Spaghetti

  1. Haha of COURSE it was an ATK recipe! And it’s so true about prosciutto…I feel like i could wrap chicken livers in it and get the.boy to eat them!

  2. I read a few food blogs, and often click on them in the morning to see what I might make for dinner. When I saw this one, I was all in! I tried it last night and it was great. All my favorie things: pasta, prosciutto, lemon – how bad could that be?? More often than not, I end up trying your recipes and they always work out perfectly. Not overly fussy, ingredients I often have on hand, and best of all: delicious! Thanks.

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