Mediterreanean Macaroni and Cheese


It should be no surprise that I’ve been throwing feta in pasta for pretty much my whole life.  It adds a nice salty bite and tastes delicious, of course. The only “bad” thing about feta is that it’s not exactly known for its melting properties, so it can sometimes be a little more difficult to incorporate it into every bite (which is something you want to do with cheese in general, obviously). But, make a simple cheese sauce with butter, flour, milk, and feta and boom. FETA IN ALL THE THINGS.

This is not your typical macaroni and cheese, so even though the feta is well-incorporated into the dish, it’s not going to be that creamy, silky, overtly cheesy sauce associated with most “macaroni and cheese” recipes. I like to think of this more as a spin on baked ziti or something similar, since it also includes tomatoes. Kalamata olives are adding for that nice briny, salty, Greek flavor (PS if you don’t like olives, try kalamata olives; they blow all olives out of the water). I also added some chicken to this to make it a more filling meal.

Mediterreanean Macaroni and Cheese

7 thoughts on “Mediterreanean Macaroni and Cheese

  1. Feta can be a bit of a downer, what with it’s refusal to melt and all. But I love the way you’ve added it to a cheese sauce in this pasta!

  2. I live in NY – you certainly hit the right spots!! The pork dish looks de-lish – it’s printed and on the fridge for a dinner next week – thanks.

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