Plum Raspberry Sorbet


I was never a huge fan of ice cream until I dated Tom. It’s not that I didn’t like it, of course, but it just wasn’t my first choice of desserts and I wasn’t one of those people who wanted to eat it all summer long or anything. Tom, however, is definitely one of these people and, for better or worse, now I am, too. I think my love for ice cream and frozen treats has increased exponentially every summer, which makes kicking dairy this time of year a bit of a bummer.

Enter this sorbet. I’ve mentioned before that, somewhat weirdly, I’m a big fan of plums. Most people can take them or leave them, but me? I’ll take them every time. Because of that, I’m really surprised it has taken me so long to make this sorbet. Rest assured, I won’t wait that long to make it again.  This sorbet is pretty much perfect. It’s sweet, it’s tart, it’s creamy. And can we talk about the gorgeous color?!

See the picture below? This is why I wanted to try and get photos during nap time. Didn’t happen. I started snapping a few when Zachary was in the other room and sure enough, he comes out, sees that it’s ice cream, and instantly starts going for it, like I’m not even there. Like nothing is even there, except him and the ice cream. When I shooed him away from the bowl, his hands ended up in the ice cream container. 😛

Plum Raspberry Sorbet

18 thoughts on “Plum Raspberry Sorbet

  1. Aww I think the hand in the photo is SUPER endearing!!

    I love plums also but never seem to really DO enough with them. This sorbet needs to happen in my summer! Especially because it’s such a gorgeous color.

  2. This is so gorgeous, Elly! As I’m trying to shed a few pounds, I’m loving sorbets. I’m also loving that ice cream bucket. How handy!

  3. Thanks for posting this – plums seem to be one of those fruits I don’t see nearly as much in recipes as others. Love the little fingers anxious for a taste! 🙂

  4. This sorbet has such a gorgeous color! I will have to try it soon. Just wondering, where did you get that cute container? I have been wanting something like that to store my ice cream!

    1. Leah – they are from Amazon and called Zak Designs. My only qualm is that they only come in pint sizes, so I had to buy two.

  5. Hi there! I made this recipe the other day with all of our ripe, juicy plums! It was very easy to make and so delicious…thanks for sharing!

  6. What a gorgeous color! What kind of plums did you use – the red-skinned or the purple-skinned? Does it matter to the outcome? And, anytime I’m photographing any kind of sweet, my son gets all “grabby hands” on me.

    1. Suzanne, I used the purple-skinned ones. I’m not sure if it makes a difference? The flesh was pretty purple-y and I feel like the red-skinned plums might be more orange-y inside, so my guess is the purple ones work better as far as color goes.

    1. Oh, of course. Then again, there’s not much he doesn’t like. He’s a 3 and a half foot garbage disposal. 😛

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