Yeasted Cornbread Loaf




I used to not be the world’s biggest cornbread fan, but this recipe, which I’ve made several times now, turned me around. The other day, I was thinking it would be fun to make a loaf of cornbread, rather than muffins or a pan. I wanted to use it to make sandwiches, but I figured the the cornbread recipe I normally use would be a bit too soft and crumbly.

I started looking around for recipes that were geared more towards loaves, and I came across this one for a yeasted cornbread. I’d never thought to make a yeasted cornbread before, so I went with it.

It turned out great! I feel like mine may not have baked up quite as high as I thought it would, but the dough definitely doubled both times, so maybe I was a bit deceived by the picture. This bread has a great cornbread flavor (though the corn flavor is not quite as prevalent as a standard recipe) and a really great texture, that’s somewhere between a chewy yeasted bread and a crumbly quickbread. It was very easy to put together, and makes a lovely grilled cheese. 🙂


Yeasted Cornbread Loaf

18 thoughts on “Yeasted Cornbread Loaf

  1. I was so excited when you tweeted looking for a yeasted cornbread loaf because I LOVE cornbread but rarely make it since…I’d eat it like it was cake and then the whole pan would be gone in twenty minutes. But as a sandwich bread….I might be able to exercise some self control. this looks fabulous!

  2. I’ve never heard of a yeasted corn bread, but it sounds delicious! Where in your store did you find the dry milk powder? I’ve never seen it before.

  3. YUM! Now I usually swear by the simplicity and ease of your corn cakes but I might have to try this next time we’re having chili or ratatouille.

  4. I made this last night and it was a HUGE hit with the family! Will definitely need to double next time 🙂

  5. How can I thank you?
    For months now, I was looking for a recipe and
    now hit gold. I didn’t have powdered milk and used 1/2 cup of regular milk.
    Instead of butter, I used an egg and 2 tabs. olive oil.

    I was told it’s “restaurant quality.”

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