30 by 30: Amygdalota (Greek almond cookies)


We’re going to be in full 30×30 swing here for the next month because, per my usual M.O., I have procrastinated way too much with my list.  Hopefully I finish it in time, but if not, I’m not sweating it.

Despite being behind on my list, I actually managed to make these cookies twice (so far). I’m not sure how I’d managed to NEVER have made amygdalota my whole life before this. Unfortunately, knowing now that they take a whole 5 minutes to put together is probably not a good thing.

Amygdalota are in top contention with melomakarona for my favorite cookie. If you like almonds, you’ll like amygdalota (ah-meegh-dahl-lo-TA) because, well, almonds pretty much make up the whole ingredient list. I try not to be overly effusive and gush about every single recipe on this blog, but this one deserves to be gushed about, because it’s just that great. The texture of these cookies is very much reminiscent of macaroons—slightly crisp edges with a soft, sort of chewy center. They’re also naturally gluten free.

I used Peter’s recipe for these because I’ve noticed many of our family recipes tend to be similar, and this seemed much easier than trying to get any semblance of a recipe over the phone from one of my own family members.  The first time I made these I used slivered almonds because that’s all I could find blanched (and there was no way in hell I was going to blanch  my own almonds) so I guessed that the measurement would be a little different.  That batch turned out delicious, but the dough was not really the right consistency so they spread a lot and were not the traditional cookie, which holds its shape much better.

The second time around I used a weight measurement, assuming the 4 cups called for in Peter’s recipe was equivalent to about a pound. My cookies were still a little less firm than his, but to me they were perfect, so this is the recipe I will use going forward.  I also reduced the sugar just a bit, which may have contributed to them being just a teensy bit looser than Peter’s.  If you’ve seen these at Greek bakeries, there’s a good chance you’ve seen them looking much more decorative and that’s  because they often tend to pipe the dough through a pastry bag into swirls, which you could definitely do. But, for me, plopping down the dough is more my style (and by “my style” I mean easier and less prone to errors).

If you have 5 minutes to prep these and you love almonds, these are for you.  If you have 5 minutes to prep these but you don’t love almonds, just bring them over to my house.



30 by 30: Amygdalota (Greek almond cookies)

20 thoughts on “30 by 30: Amygdalota (Greek almond cookies)

  1. Wow, these cookies look so yummie, love the idea of using only egg whites…and lots of almonds. Lovely with a cup of tea. Hope you are having a great week Elly 🙂

  2. OH MY GOD you’ve made one of favourite cookies…all almond and all goodness! Glad you liked them and hope they become a family fave for your & yours!

  3. I realize it’s a bit far away, but these are definitely going on the Christmas cookie list for next year! Although I can guarantee they’ll be made before then. And devoured. Love how simple they are! And also almond-y. Almond-y is good.

  4. What would the measurement be of the 1/2 pound of ground almonds? Trader Joe’s carries almond meal and using that would save me the food processor step 😉

    1. Penandra, I’m not really sure, sorry. I didn’t bother measuring it. If the TJ’s bags have weights on them though you could just go by that (like using half the bag if it’s a 1 lb. bag, etc.).

  5. I am so making these this weekend. They’re not a cookie I’ve ever had (my family is Cretan, so I’m going to assume they’re not a Cretan cookie), but they’re totally up my alley. As is anything that only takes 5 minutes to prep!!!

  6. Elly, it has clearly been way too long since I’ve been to your blog! OMG, so many great things that I have missed. Glad to be back.

  7. Never made amygdalota – now I want to! I love almonds and just like you melomakarna are basically my favorite cookies. I love the rustic look of your cookies, elly, screw the piping bag! Congrats on completing one of your 30 by 30s!

  8. I made these tonight. I used almond meal, instead of fresh almonds. They were AMAZING. My hubby suggested that we add them to our “family favorites” cookbook, which is a rare honor. Not many recipes make the cut. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

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