Yellow Butter Cake with Chocolate Frosting (and Happy Birthday, Zachary!)


I mentioned previously that yellow cake with chocolate frosting is one of my two favorite cakes. I’ve had this recipe bookmarked from Annie’s Eats ever since she posted it.  I don’t make layer cakes very often at all, but we had a reason this time – Zachary’s birthday! I can’t believe he is already one!

Being that he’s never had cake before, I didn’t think he would be too picky about his birthday cake.  So, of course, I chose my favorite.  I ended up increasing the recipe by 50%  in order to have enough for a personal cake for Zachary.  (Actually, I had fully intended on making a personal one for my father-in-law, too, since his birthday was the previous day, but learned that morning my other mini springform pan was broken.)  The recipe below, though, is the original amount.

I thought this cake was delicious.  Of course, there are 5 sticks of butter between the cake and frosting, so it’s hard for it not to be pretty good.  And, of course,a pound of chocolate in the frosting is sure to help as well. I’m so glad to have a tried and true recipe for one of my favorite cakes!

Putting this together could really not be simpler.  I always appreciate that, being that I’m not the biggest fan of baking.  My cakes started browning at the top a little bit before the center was completely done, so I just tented them with foil toward the end while they baked through.  I suspect part of that reason was because I had more batter in the pans since I increased the recipe.  The cakes were still done in about 30-32 minutes, but I did use convection.

I’m pretty sure at first he thought it was finger paint (he covered both hands in the frosting and just kept rubbing them together), but eventually Zachary stuck it in his mouth and seemed to like it. So, compliments to you, Martha Stewart, from the coolest one year old on the planet.


Yellow Butter Cake with Chocolate Frosting (and Happy Birthday, Zachary!)

27 thoughts on “Yellow Butter Cake with Chocolate Frosting (and Happy Birthday, Zachary!)

  1. Oh wow I can’t believe he’s one already! Happy birthday to Zach! He looks adorable, Elly! He must be such a joy!

    Yellow butter cake is a favorite around here as well…I’ll definitely be trying this as a go-to. Seems like it turned out perfectly!

    1. Yep, that’s it. It’s not an overly sweet frosting, but it’s definitely rich and chocolatey enough!

  2. O MY CUPCAKES!!! I love it all, you are so awesomeilicious…new word, bless you and your family and friends, we know that they are munching outrageous yummies, redraven

  3. I made the frosting the way you wrote it and ended up with bits of cocoa paste throughout. My fault for not adding more water in the beginning, and it’s still delicious, but not very pretty.

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