30 by 30: Pizza Crust


I’ve only cooked with yeast a handful of times and, actually, have had a fair amount of success each time.  Still, I shy away from yeasted bread recipes for some reason, and am always a bit worried they won’t turn out.  That’s why I included a couple yeasted dough recipes on my 30 by 30 list – I am constantly telling myself I’ll make more bread and then I never, ever do.

I feel like a pizza dough is one of those recipes every home cook should have.  I don’t make pizza very often, but when I do it’s with refrigerated dough, and it never turns out great.  I buy it because it’s convenient and better than frozen pizza, but it’s definitely never been as good as delivery/restaurants and has always lacked the nice crusty but chewy texture a good pizza crust should have.

I’ve seen many, many people have success with this pizza dough from Baking Illustrated so I decided to give it a shot.  Happily, I was not at all disappointed.  The dough came together super quickly and I had no issues whatsoever.  I ended up dividing it in two and freezing half of it.  Half the dough made a good sized pizza, though you can divide it in 3 and make more medium-ish size pizzas.  I decided to weigh my flour (which I don’t usually do) and am glad I did, because I’m sure it contributed to the perfect ratio.  I used the stand mixer for mixing and kneading so I wouldn’t have to hand-knead but you can use a food processor and your hands if you prefer. I baked the pizza on a baking stone, because I always use one for pizzas and doughs.  A stone turns even a mediocre crust into a pretty damn good one, I swear.

I actually completely forgot about pizza sauce until I was like 5 minutes from putting my pizza together. D’oh! No worries, it was easy enough to just whip some up using canned tomato sauce and some herbs/spices (basil, oregano, red pepper flakes). I topped this pizza with mozzarella and romano cheeses, garlic, mushrooms and turkey sausage.  To me, mushrooms are a quintessential pizza topping.  I don’t care what else is on a pizza, but it needs to be adorned with mushrooms.  (I sauté them first, to eliminate the moisture.) This was my first time buying turkey sausage and can I say something? It was not good.  It had no flavor whatsoever.  It was like eating ground turkey–which has no flavor.  Now, I was a bit sick so I’m sure that had a bit to do with it and I am positive there  have to be better brands of turkey sausage out there, but next time I’ll just make my own mixture or stick to the delicious varieties of chicken sausage I’ve found.

This pizza dough was pretty perfect.  It baked up nice and crisp on the outside with just the right amount of chew inside.  I’ll be honest and say that I was worried about not prebaking the crust before adding the toppings.  When I’ve used refrigerated dough, pre-baking it has been the only way to ensure a crispy crust without it becoming soggy, or overcooking the toppings.  But, no worries whatsoever.  It was one less step to take and turned out far better than any refrigerated pizza dough I’ve purchased.

I’m so happy to finally  have a pizza crust recipe in my arsenal (not to mention a ball of it in the freezer)!

30 by 30: Pizza Crust

14 thoughts on “30 by 30: Pizza Crust

  1. There’s nothing like homemade pizza dough and it’s so easy to make. I add a little honey in the dough and it makes a great difference. Elly if the reason you don’t make pizza often is because of the fatty cheese, you should try the Greek Ladenia which is much healthier and frankly I prefer it to pizza.

  2. Sorry your turkey sausage didn’t impress, like you said, maybe it was the brand. But glad to read about your pizza success! Whenever I think about making pizza dough, I contemplate for like 5 minutes and have no idea what recipe to pick. So then I stop thinking about it and order out 😉

  3. Yeast gives me the same worry, like I’m going to kill it or not make it activate. Glad to hear your dough was a success. Stories like this give me motivation to conquer my fear!

  4. Good call on weighing the dough! That is absolutely crucial in bread baking!

    Your dough looks like it turned out wonderfully! I’m so glad you took the plunge…I adore homemade pizza!

  5. Yay Elly! So glad you accomplished another item on your list, and SO glad you gave this recipe a try. I think everyone should try this at home.

  6. This is my go to dough recipe. Yours puffed because this recipe is really for 3 good sized pizzas, if you like thin crust. I hope you try it again, the flavor and the beauty of this dough is fantastic. Even my Italian pizza making mom was impressed. Also, Trader Joe’s refrigerated pizza sauce is pretty good in a pinch.

  7. My husband and I were professional pizza makers for years, and still make pizza at home almost every week. I swear by this recipe, but like Ivy, add a little honey or raw sugar to the dough. I like that extra touch of sweetness.

  8. My recipe is similar, but like others, I add honey. It’s always good, although sometimes “puffier” than others. Maybe I haven’t conquered yeast after all! Thanks for the mushroom tip. I think they’re essential, too. (And I’m right with you on turkey sausage.)

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