Key Lime Pie Cupcakes


My dad is a very, very picky eater.  He’s most certainly a meat and potatoes sort of guy.  He won’t touch Chinese food, turns his nose up at most vegetables, and the idea of leftovers is a completely foreign concept to him.   Thankfully, I didn’t inherit this pickiness from him, but I did wind up with his adoration for lime-flavored anything.

Key lime pie is one of my favorite desserts, but finding key limes has never been very easy for me.  Fortunately, my friend Heather keeps coming across them, and gifting bags of them to me.  I’m now stockpiled with enough key lime juice in my freezer to make many a key lime pie treat!

I’ve had several key lime recipes booked for ages, many which come from Peabody.  I decided to ask her what her personal favorite key lime recipe from her blog was, and she directed me to this one.  Oh, sure, Peabody – pick the multi-step recipe. 🙂 This was my first time making filled cupcakes and eventually they turned out well, but I did have a little trial and error, Goldilocks-style.  At first, I was overfilling them, making the filling ooze out of the top after I placed the cupcake top back on.  Then that worried me, so I underfilled them.  Finally I got it “just right,” though I did still have some leftover filling.  The leftover filling is a nice accompaniment with some leftover graham crackers, but I think next time I would use cream cheese rather than mascarpone.  Don’t get me wrong, I love mascarpone but it’s a bit pricey and since it didn’t all get eaten, I’d opt for the frugal-friendly cream cheese next time around.

A few other changes I made: I used sour cream instead of buttermilk in the cake recipe because that’s what I had around, and also added just a splash of vanilla in the buttercream recipe. I also “made” my own cake flour.

At any rate, these cupcakes are delicious.  I mean, they are key lime pie enveloped by cake.  You really can’t go wrong there. It’s too bad I couldn’t get some of these to my dad!

Key Lime Pie Cupcakes

40 thoughts on “Key Lime Pie Cupcakes

  1. You read my mind!! I was just thinking the other day how I could incorporate the two. Looks like you made it easy for me, can’t wait to try these!!

  2. I love love love key lime pie. Have you ever had Key Lime Pie at Cheesecake factory? It will not disappoint you. Most key lime pies at restaurants don’t meet my high standards!

  3. My parents are crazy picky eaters also. Especially my father. He hates all spices, citrus, beans, most vegetables (unless they’re covered in cheese)…and really the list goes on. Sometimes I wonder whether or not we’re related. But i have his eyes. So there goes that theory.

    I am a big lime/lemon lover myself and these cupcakes are adorable! I need to get a friend with a knack for finding key limes…pronto.

  4. These sound/look absolutely amazing! I absolutely adore key lime pie, but I always feel the need to purchase one from a local bakery (to be fair, they are pretty legendary)…but I think I should give this recipe a try…I would love to be able to create some key lime goodness myself – mmmmm!!!

  5. I have a hard time finding fresh key limes too. Do you think key lime concentrate would work as a substitute for the fresh juice? These look amazing.

  6. I made these the for a party the night of hurricane Irene. I was thinking the entire day that they were going to cancel the party, so I left out making them with the graham cracker crust, I didn’t want to get stuck with 2 dozen cupcakes, if I didn’t know how they would freeze…anyway the party wasn’t cancelled and the cupcakes were such a hit.
    They looked gorgeous and tasted soooooo good.
    Such a great, easy recipe, and the icing was a snap to make and it was compeletly balanced between the sweet and the sour.
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe, it’s a keeper!

  7. Hi, it’s Lish’s niece, Amy. The only thing she wanted for her birthday this year was Elly’s amazing key lime cupcakes! Well, I don’t know if they’re as good as yours that I’ve been hearing about for so long but she seems happy. Thanks for this recipe and making Lish’s birthday a success!

  8. Thanks so much for the recipe! I made these for the hubby last night for valentines day, and he loved them. I brought the extras into work they are a hit! Tastes just like key lime pie….even better!!! 🙂

  9. These cupcakes are delicious. I was wondering can I make this batter,frosting and filling a day or two before I bake the cupcakes or will it not taste as fresh? Thanks

    1. Hi Hannah. Glad you liked the cupcakes. You can definitely make the filling and frosting a day in advance and refrigerate. You’ll probably need to leave the frosting at room temp for a little bit before icing the cupcakes. As for the batter, I’m not sure. I’ve never done it personally, but it seems like it would be fine. I’d probably just go ahead and bake them the day before. I think cupcakes made the day before are just fine.

  10. I made this recipe for a baby shower and it was a big hit!!! I’m gluten free so I substituted All purpose rice flour for the cake flour and the cupcakes came out amazing.
    Thank you for sharing!

  11. I love to spend Sunday afternoons baking yummy treats to bring in to my coworkers on Mondays. I made these delicious cupcakes yesterday and have received nothing but rave reviews! Thank you for sharing, I will be making these again and again.

  12. These are so delicious!! Thanks for sharing. I plan on making these over and over. My family and friends thought they were fantastic-I did too!

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