World Famous Black Beans



The title of this post is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, sure, but it’s also a little true.  See, my recipe for black beans is quite “famous.”  Many food bloggers have made them & loved them, friends and family who have tried the recipe have raved, and I’ve even gotten emails from readers in various parts of the world who have really enjoyed these beans. Getting emails from people in other countries always made me (makes me!) feel pretty special.

Thing is, these were buried in a very old blog post with a very horrible photo.  I don’t think this picture is necessarily award-winning, but then I don’t think most pictures of something like black beans are. 🙂  A lot of people ask me if I ever have any “staple” dishes, since I am constantly blogging new things.  The answer to that is absolutely, and these beans are definitely the most common staple in our home – we probably eat them close to once a week.  I wanted to re-post them for those of you who’ve never seen the recipe before in hopes that you will try them and like them as much as we do.

Before making this recipe years ago, I used to mostly dump cans of beans into things (chicken and rice dishes, soups,  burritos), but I never really knew what to do with them as a side on their own.  Ever since making these, they have pretty much been our go-to black bean side for any dish they would complement (and you know I make a lot of Mexican food, which means we eat these a lot).

Since I also seem to roast poblanos once a week, I’ve also added some chopped poblano pepper to these beans, too, which is also a great addition.

World Famous Black Beans

35 thoughts on “World Famous Black Beans

  1. Yum! I can’t believe I haven’t tried these. Just last night I was wondering what to do to jazz up some black beans as a side. Now I know where to go!

  2. I’m one of the bloggers who has made, loved, and blogged these beans. And…my picture isn’t worth sharing either. Yum

  3. Thanks so much for reposting this – I hadn’t seen the other post and this is just the recipe I need to keep my Costa Rican other half happy! He loves these beans but I never really knew how to make them taste great. I’ll definitely be trying this one out.

  4. thank you for the b-day wishes!
    good timing too because in all honesty i eat a lot of red and black beans in a boring ass salad, and am in need of new things to to with them. so if everyone says this is good then i’m down.

  5. I have never made black beans at home because I am always afraid that they will turn out bland and boring. But you make it sound and look so easy! I really can’t wait to try this recipe!

  6. Made these… and LOVED them!! I used them as a side for some grilled chicken, but honestly I could have eaten them by themselves, they were that good! Thanks for this great recipe!!

  7. I made these with some stuffed peppers for dinner recently, and my husband and I really enjoyed them. I just loved the texture and all of the flavors going on. I agree with what Chelsea said above – I enjoyed them so much that I could have eaten them by themselves!

    Thanks for the recipe!

  8. just wondering what size can of black beans you use? sometimes the canadian sizes are different than american, so i thought i would check!

    1. Hi Robyn. I use a 15 oz. can (turns out to be about 2 cups of beans). I’ve revised the recipe above to indicate that – thanks. 🙂

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