Mediterranean Lentil Salad


Lentils may seem like an odd choice in the summer, but quite honestly, I’ve been eating a lot of them lately.  You saw I braised them with vegetables here, and I had some lentil soup the other day, even though it was quite warm out.  But if you’re not into hot lentils during hot months, you may be a little more into this cool lentil salad.

This is a nice change of pace from the usual potato and pasta salads of summer.  It’s heartier, full of fiber, and healthy.  It’s great as a dinner side or as a stand-alone lunch.  I’ve used Mediterranean ingredients here, all of which are pantry staples for me.  This would be equally great with fresh tomatoes in place of the sundried ones and some roasted red peppers, too.

This salad is best served at room temperature, but cold leftovers are just as good.

Mediterranean Lentil Salad

Serves 6-8
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1.5 cups lentils
1 bay leaf
1/2 cup sliced sundried tomatoes
1/3 cup kalamata olives, pitted and chopped
1/3 cup chopped parsley
1 shallot, minced
3 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
1 tsp. dijon mustard
2 Tbsp. good quality extra virgin olive oil
3 oz. goat cheese, crumbled
sea salt and freshly ground pepper

Bring a pot of water and the bay leaf to a boil.  Rinse and pick over the lentils, and then add them to the boiling water.  Cook  until soft, about 20-25 minutes.

Drain the lentils and set aside to cool slightly.  Toss with the sundried tomatoes, olives and parsley.

Whisk together the shallot, red wine vinegar and dijon.  Slowly add the olive oil, whisking constantly until the dressing emulsifies.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Pour the dressing over the slightly warm lentils and mix to combine. Top with goat cheese crumbles.  Serve at room temperature.

Mediterranean Lentil Salad

26 thoughts on “Mediterranean Lentil Salad

  1. I was going to email, but couldn’t find your address from before… So, about our CSA… we’re doing it this year through Simply Wisconsin, which I found on Local Harvest. They have a couple pick up locations near where we live, and it’s gone really smoothly so far. We’re doing a half share, so we get a full box every other week. It’s been a lot of fun cooking with the mix of veggies we get! If you want more info, email me. Also, have you gone to the Logan Square farmer’s market before? It’s on Sundays, which is convenient for me, and not too early (starts at 10). I’ve been a few times now, and really like it!

    Also, I have multiple bags of lentils in my pantry, and no idea how to use them! So I might be trying this recipe really soon. It sounds really good!

  2. I’m someone who eat a lot of lentils in the fall and winter but totally ignores them in the spring and summer. This recipe is just what I need to enjoy my lentils when it’s warm outside! Thanks!! 🙂

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