Kota Kokinisti Me Patates


…or, basically, chicken stewed in tomato-y  broth with potatoes.

Greek food is so uncomplicated.  Oh, sure, like most cuisines these days there are more fancified, fusion versions of it (that are wonderful, of course).  But generally speaking, a lot of Greek food is made by throwing some stuff together (typically involving tomatoes or lemon juice) and letting it cook for a long time; for example, roast chicken and potatoes, tourlou tourlou, stewed vegetables, fakes (lentil soup), youvetsi and manestra (braised meats with orzo), kima/meatsauce, etc.  Food is absolutely important to Greeks, but it’s more important to enjoy your food & and enjoy your company while eating than it is to spend forever in the kitchen, using a huge list of ingredients.

And that’s totally fine because that’s why, at least to me, Greek food is so comforting. Anything that cooks for a long time has a tendency to make you feel good, doesn’t it? I don’t know if it’s the smell as it’s cooking or all the ingredients meshing together into one.  Take for instance this dish. It’s not hard to make, it’s not going to be the most impressive thing you serve, and, well…it’s completely monochromatic. But that’s ok, because it’s simple, it’s warm, and it’s homey.  Kokinisto (which basically means red/red-sauced) can be made with lamb, chicken, or beef.   You can stew the meat on its own, or you can add potatoes or vegetables such as okra, green beans, or peas.  “Kota” means chicken and “patates” means potatoes, which is why this particular version is called kota kokinisti me (with) patates.

You’ll want some nice crusty bread to sop up the sauce (yes, I am advocating the double carb dinner here :).  Oh yeah, and like most stews, the leftovers are even better.

Kota Kokinisti Me Patates

21 thoughts on “Kota Kokinisti Me Patates

  1. This chicken dish sound and look terrific…cinnamon stick, bay leaves…wow, must have an unbelievable flavor…I’ll definitely try it! It is more than chicken stewed in tomato 🙂

  2. This chicken dish sound and look terrific…cinnamon stick, bay leaves…wow, must have an unbelievable flavor…I’ll definitely try it! It is more than chicken stewed in tomato 🙂

  3. What a flavorful chicken dish! I’m definitely going to try it since I always have all the ingredients around and we eat so much chicken 🙂

  4. What a flavorful chicken dish! I’m definitely going to try it since I always have all the ingredients around and we eat so much chicken 🙂

  5. Sorry I haven’t been around lately. Wow, I just realized I haven’t made kota kokkinisti for years. I am drooling just thinking of it.

  6. I love these types of stews, and the tomato sauce & potato combo is one I really enjoy. I’m protesting stews now that it’s starting to act like summer (or at least spring), but I’m going to try to remember this once it’s fall.

  7. I love these types of stews, and the tomato sauce & potato combo is one I really enjoy. I’m protesting stews now that it’s starting to act like summer (or at least spring), but I’m going to try to remember this once it’s fall.

  8. hi, this looks soo good, can you kindly let me know the brand for white wine? is it vinegar? thank you!

    1. Hi Dimu, it is actual wine, not vinegar. You can use something like chardonnay or pinot grigio. Hope this helps.

      1. Hi elly, thanks for the wonderful recipe. I made this today and it was soo good. Even my boyfriend was saying how delicious it was! can”t wait to try your other recipes 🙂

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