Overnight Cinnamon Rolls



There were many great things about our first Christmas morning at home, and these cinnamon rolls were high on that list. I’d never made cinnamon rolls from scratch before and I was really excited to give them a try. Although I usually have success with yeast doughs, there are still times I don’t—and in general, I’m still a little intimidated by them. I figured if I messed this up, we’d just have a cinnamon quickbread or something instead. I know I can handle that. 🙂

These cinnamon rolls have their first rise and are filled & cut the night before you want to bake them. The morning of, you let them rise for about 30 minutes before they can be baked and iced. So, you do still need to plan a little extra time, but obviously it’s much quicker than making a standard yeast recipe the same day (just not as quick as making the canned kind, obviously). I don’t think mine rose quite as much as they should have, but I also was getting a little impatient. Also, because I’m still a yeast novice, I don’t totally know the difference between instant and rapid rise/quick rise yeast (even with googling) – and my grocery store does not sell instant, so, I just went with rapid rise. At any rate, they turned out pretty great. And I’m especially excited we still have about half a batch in the freezer.

Overnight Cinnamon Rolls

14 thoughts on “Overnight Cinnamon Rolls

  1. nommmmmmmm..I’m going to try this recipe! can you believe I’ve never tried cinnamon rolls? But I can imagine they are delicious, and I have a thing for cinnamon, so I’m working my way through all things cinnamon-y.

    Nice blog!

  2. I mashed together two other cinnamon recipes to get my favorite, but I see now how similar it is to Alton’s! I love little bit of cream cheese in the glaze.

    Also, rapid rise, quick rise, instant, and bread machine yeast are all interchangeable – so that makes it easy!

    1. I’ve read that, Bridget, and then I’ve read that they aren’t, which is so confusing. Oh well, either way it seemed to work out fine!

  3. One of these holidays I’m really going to make something special for a holiday morning breakfast. I swear it! These cinnamon rolls look like the perfect treat. I think yours came out perfectly.

  4. Just stumbled across your blog. Really inspired by all the options. Felt so happy after reading your post with your yiayia about plasto. It brought tears to my eyes, I’m sort of an expatriate and don’t live where my family is. I thought your descriptions were so on the mark that a lack of specific measurements wasn’t missed. Except for the “container of cornmeal” I hope it was a 2 lb. package. Here, it comes in 2 lb. and 5 lb. bags. Thanks

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