30 by 30: Sticky Toffee Pudding (Figgy Pudding)

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Oh, sticky toffee pudding, how I love thee.  I remember when I ordered it for the first time many moons ago, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. I’m not really big into puddings for dessert, but I love anything with toffee. Really, the dessert could have been anything, so long as it had the word “toffee” in it, I’d order it. Well, as  you can see (and you probably know) sticky toffee pudding is not really a pudding at all.  It’s a very moist cake made with chopped dates and covered in toffee/caramel sauce. A little sauce is added while it’s baking and then a whole lot (if you’re me) is added when it’s done baking.

I learned later that this is another name for the famous “figgy pudding.” Well, maybe? This has dried dates instead of figs, but some sources (google, those are the sources) tell me figgy pudding is made of “dried fruits” so – same. It may seem weird to love a cake with dried fruit so much, but leave any hesitations you have about that aside and make this. I promise you’ll love it (and, for the record, the dates basically disappear).

I decided to make 1/4 of the recipe and bake it in 2 mini (4.5″ springform pans).  One cake was the perfect size to split with my husband (and if you know my husband at all, you may be wondering how in the world I got him to split a dessert since he absolutely refuses to do so on a normal basis. I don’t know the answer to that question). This did make a LOT of caramel sauce and I’m positive you could reduce the recipe for that. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with having leftover caramel sauce to eat with your ice cream; in your hot chocolate; or in a moment of desperation, and when you have nothing else in your house, with pecans mixed in and by the spoonful. (Not that I know anything about that.)


30 by 30: Sticky Toffee Pudding (Figgy Pudding)

11 thoughts on “30 by 30: Sticky Toffee Pudding (Figgy Pudding)

  1. Have you ever been to Schlafly’s in St. Louis? They have the best ever sticky toffee pudding. Seeing this post made me want to jump in my car and go get some. yum

    1. I’ve actually never been to St. Louis, period. If I ever make my way there, I’ll be sure to check out Schlafly’s 🙂

  2. I love sticky toffee pudding – its such good comfort thing.

    You need to try it in the winter with some lovely home made custard – I am not sure if that’s just a British thing but it will warm you up good on a cold November night.

  3. I have to admit, I’ve always been a bit confused as to why this is called a pudding. But the name also completely endears me to it because I love any and all puddings. And dates get a bad rep, but they’re really SO DELICIOUS. Loving this!

  4. My sister made a sticky toffee pudding for Christmas dessert! It was quite great. It doesn’t sound like the traditional decadent holiday dessert, but there was something about it that seemed rustic and reminiscent of old holidays. Quite a good choice, I highly recommend this! She did make about a 8×8 pan of it though.

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