Chipotle Salsa with Pan-Roasted Tomatillos


The fact that I’ve had Rick Bayless’s Everyday Mexican for 2 months now and have already made 4 recipes from it is a testament to its awesomeness. No, really. First of all, I am not a cookbook person. Despite my major addiction to owning books (if you could see the shelves behind me that are actually bowing from too much weight, you’d understand) and my love for food, cookbooks have never been my thing. Aside from a few freebies I picked up at a housewares show a while back, I think I only own about 4 or 5 cookbooks.

What’s so great about this book is that the recipes truly are “everyday.” They have minimal ingredients, take very little time, and are incredibly simple to make. You’d never know it from the taste, though. This is my second salsa from this book and it’s quite similar to the first, only it’s made with chipotles instead of arbol chiles, so it’s a little smokier.

This was a really delicious, authentic salsa. Since there are so few ingredients, all of them really came through–a nice smokiness from the chipotle, a little tang from the tomatillos (and you can use tomatoes if you want; it will just be sweeter), and a slight punch from the garlic (but not too much, since it’s pan roasted). I kept mine a little thicker than the “spoonable” consistency Bayless calls for, but this is all  up to  your preference, of course.

Chipotle Salsa with Pan-Roasted Tomatillos

Mexican Everyday by Rick Bayless

4 medium tomatillos, husked, rinsed and cut in half (about 8 oz.)
3 cloves garlic, peeled
2 chipotles in adobo (more if you want more heat)

Set a large nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Lay in the tomatillos (cut side down) and the garlic. When the tomatillos are well browned, about 4 minutes, flip everything over and brown on the other side. The tomatillos should be completely soft.

Scoop the tomatillos and garlic into a food processor and add the chipotles, about 1/4 cup water, and salt to taste (about 1/2 tsp.). Process everything together into a course puree.  Thin with additional water if necessary.

Chipotle Salsa with Pan-Roasted Tomatillos

28 thoughts on “Chipotle Salsa with Pan-Roasted Tomatillos

  1. This looks so good! I need to get this cookbook. I’ve heard so many good things about it, and I have a bad addiction to Mexican food!

  2. Oh how I miss salsa…he has some of the BEST recipes for it! These posts of yours are making me really excited to come home to my cookbooks, whenever that happens.

  3. This looks so delicious. Like you, I don’t use many cookbooks when there is a such a plethora of recipes available online and in magazines, but this one does sound like a winner!

  4. This looks so easy and tasty! I’m the same way with cookbooks and I feel bad about it sometime because so many bloggers seem to have shelves full of them!

    I may have missed this, but have you been to one of Rick Bayless’ restaurants? I’d love a review!

  5. This looks absolutely amazing, Elly! I’m definitely craving salsa now. I’ve been thinking about picking up this book, so I appreciate your little snippet on it. I don’t own many cookbooks, either, but this one sounds too good to pass up.

  6. Ooh, that first picture looks fantastic!! And only 3 ingredients?!?! I’ll have to look out for this cookbook, because it sounds great!

  7. Tomatillos and chipotles are the best combination for a salsa. In Mexico we use this for meat dishes called “entomatados”. My favorite is pollo entomatado, oh this is making me hungry 😀

  8. Making this for the 2nd time with the black bean enchiladas. We also used this in taquitos that we froze last time and they were delicious too. This salsa is soooo good and really couldn’t be any simpler.

    1. Glad you like it, Lindsey! I agree, it’s SO simple and with so few ingredients, but you’d never know it based on how great it tastes.

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