Wild Rice Frittata with Leeks and Mushrooms


I eat a lot of eggs. Like, A LOT.  Don’t worry – I limit whole eggs to one a day so I don’t have through-the-roof cholesterol, but since I eat egg whites every day, I go through about  a kajillion cartons of eggs per year.  Possibly 2-3 kajillion.

As you’d imagine, we don’t really eat eggs for dinner.

But, last week I had more eggs than usual and a frittata or torta was sounding good, so  I went ahead and made one (the title and picture of this post might have clued you into that).  I wanted something with a little more  bulk to it,  so I decided to use up the last of the wild rice in the cabinet.  Since wild rice is so nutty and earthy, I paired it with two other things I find nutty and earthy – mushrooms and thyme.  Also, I’m kind of obsessed with leeks lately, so I decided to use those, too.

With a salad, this made a nice and light summery meal. I loved that this had some starch in it to make it a little different than your standard frittata. Next time I make this I’ll mix the (cooled) rice with the eggs, to coat the rice a little more and make it creamier, kind of like this “spaghetti frisbee.” (This time I just poured the eggs over everything in the pan, like a traditional frittata.) I’ve adapted the instructions below to reflect this change.

I used my oh-so-versatile cast iron skillet for this. I don’t have a nonstick pan that is broiler-safe. Well, I have one that I have used in a broiler even though it allegedly wasn’t safe but since I have a new broiler, I didn’t want to risk it. It stuck just a bit around the sides, so you may want to grease it just a bit. Otherwise, it worked perfectly. God, I love cast iron.

Wild Rice Frittata with Leeks and Mushrooms

Makes 6 slices
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1 cup wild rice or wild rice mix, raw
1 Tbsp. butter
1 large leek, sliced in half lengthwise and then in slices
1/2 lb. cremini mushrooms, sliced
1 clove garlic, minced
pinch of thyme
6 eggs
2 Tbsp. cream, half and half, or milk
2 oz. (about 1/2 cup) grated pecorino romano or parmesan cheese
sea salt and freshly ground pepper

Cook the rice according to the package directions and set aside to cool slightly.  Preheat your broiler.

Meanwhile, heat the butter in a nonstick (or cast iron) skillet until melted. Add the mushrooms, leeks, garlic, and thyme, and cook over medium-low until tender and leeks begin to turn golden brown, about 10 minutes. Season with a little salt and pepper.

Lightly beat together the eggs, cream, 1/4 cup cheese, and salt and pepper. Mix in the mushroom mixture and the slightly cooled rice, coating everything with the egg mixture. Put everything back into the pan and smooth the top. Cook until the egg has set on the bottom and sides.  Sprinkle with remaining cheese and place in the broiler. Cook until the top is puffed and golden, and eggs are completely cooked.


Nutritional Information Per Slice [this is  using heavy cream and butter, calories & fat (especially saturated) will be reduced if you use milk and/or Smart Balance, etc.]: Calories: 258 / Fat: 11.6g / Saturated Fat: 5.5 / Carbs: 25.1g / Fiber: 2.6g / Protein: 14.6g

Wild Rice Frittata with Leeks and Mushrooms

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