Jamaican Chicken Burgers



The recipe for these Jamaican Chicken Burgers is yet another one that made the cut when I was trimming down my recipe collection. I am a sucker for allspice in pretty much anything, and I liked the sound of the plantain in the chicken mixture, both for sweetness and moistness.

I couldn’t remember how many plantains the recipe called for while I was grocery shopping, so I bought two to be on the safe side. (Of course, I completely neglected to buy the green onions the recipe calls for.)  Since I had an extra plantain, I just sauteed slices of it in a little olive oil, spiced with salt, pepper, aleppo chili powder and a little brown sugar.  We also had this with a salad. 

This is a good burger, though I do think it benefits from a condiment on top. Normally I am not a condiment kinda gal but I’ll recommend one in this instance.  All I did was mix a little store-bought ketchup with a little adobo sauce.  As for the burgers, I left the amount of spices almost the same, despite reducing the meat by half a pound, and I’m glad I did. I think we tend to like a little more spice than the norm. 🙂 


Jamaican Chicken Burgers

Serves 4
Adapted from
Cooking Light

1 medium soft black plantain, peeled and thinly sliced
3 Tbsp. finely diced red onion
2 tsp. cider vinegar
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. dried thyme
scant 1/2 tsp. ground allspice
1/4 tsp.  cayenne pepper
1 lb. ground chicken 
salt and pepper

Cook the plantain in boiling water for 10-15 minutes or until very tender. Drain, and then mash in a large bowl. Cool for a few minutes before adding the remaining ingredients. Portion into 4 patties (at this point, as with pretty much any chicken burger, I like to let them sit in the fridge for 30 minutes or so, in order for them to firm up and for the flavors to mingle). 

Cook the patties on a lightly greased grill or pan (I used my cast iron skillet, of course), for about 4-5 minutes per side.  Grill or toast 4 buns, and serve the burgers in the buns with  your choice of toppings.  We used red onion, lettuce, and the adobo-ketchup I mentioned above.

Jamaican Chicken Burgers

13 thoughts on “Jamaican Chicken Burgers

  1. ooh, those sound great! we’re always looking for new variations on chicken or tureky burgers. ITA with you about keeping spices the same amount when reducing the meat, same story for me with the CL moroccan turkey meatballs I just made!

  2. I am a sucker for anything involving plantains! Just fried some last week. So good! I’ll have to give this recipe a try too!

  3. Wow, plaintain in the burger…this definitely a twist on the usual burger and Jerk Burger.

    I too am a sucker for allspice and love the jerk flavours. We jammin’ MON!

  4. I agree, you are becoming the queen of burger recipes. I’m glad they’re all tasty chicken burgers, too, since I don’t eat red meat. The idea of using plantains in the burger sounds amazing!

  5. I love plantains! They sound amazing in this burger!

    Have you ever been to the Calypso Cafe down in Hyde Park? It’s worth heading to the south side just for their plantain nachos – they are incredible!!

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