Nutella-Cherry Oatmeal Squares for World Nutella Day


Ok, I’ll confess right off the bat. It’s World Nutella Day, and I didn’t technically use Nutella.  See, the Nutella that is prevalent in most stores in the States is the kind in a plastic jar, with partially hydrogenated this, that, and the other. You can’t really pronounce the ingredients  unless you have a doctorate in linguistics. The European version, which has more normal ingredients, is not as easy to find. So, I decided to use Choco Dream which is a natural Belgian cocoa spread with hazelnuts. Same delicious taste, ingredients I can pronounce.


World Nutella Day was brilliantly created by Michelle at Bleeding Espresso and Sara at Ms. Adventures in Italy.  When I missed National Chocolate Cake Day last week, I knew I had to participate in Nutella Day (which, in my opinion, is way better than chocolate cake anyway, because it’s got chocolate *and* hazelnuts).

I love Nutella. I was one of those weird Europeans kids who always had it around the house. 🙂 Now, I can’t keep it at the house because, well, I’ll just sit and eat it like a person would sit and eat a pint of ice cream.

I really wanted to make nutella rice pudding for this, but let’s just say I procrastinated too much and I didn’t really have the time to make the pudding and, more importantly, the time to eat it. I decided to make some incredibly easy to whip up nutella-cherry squares.

This recipe was inspired by these raspberry oatmeal squares that I have made a few times. They’re so easy to throw together and taste delicious. I definitely changed the recipe quite a bit. My only problem was the nutella was kind of a  bitch to spread. So, next time, I’ll probably microwave it for a few seconds to get it more of a pouring consistency. The combo of the buttery oat crust, nutella & cherries is delicious. How could it not be?!


Nutella-Cherry Oatmeal Squares for World Nutella Day

21 thoughts on “Nutella-Cherry Oatmeal Squares for World Nutella Day

  1. Yes, where did you find the choco dream? I don’t like using nutella in baked goods or even on warm dishes because of the oil separation and the greasy flavor.

    1. I got the choco dream at Whole Foods. I’ve never had it but I’m *pretty* certain Trader Joe’s also has their own brand of hazelnut-chocolate spread.

  2. I updated the reader… finally! Sorry Elly I meant to do it before, but as many other things… I forgot!

    Your no-nutella dessert looks soooooo delicious :D. It’s the same in my house… I cannot have a nocilla (that’s the name of the sinful thing here) in the cupboard… it lasts for such a short time ;D

  3. Good call on not buying the jar with ingredients you can’t even pronounce. That’s the main reason that stops me from buying a lot of package goodies this days. I need to make my own nutella at home 🙂 Great recipe and I like your new house! I think I won’t have problems leaving comments now 😀

  4. Good for you on not buying the industrial Nutella…why don’t they sell the natural one everywhere?

    This square would make for a yum afternoon snack at work, with coffee…you know…the 3pm stretch.

  5. these look wonderful! i’ve been looking for a new bar recipe to try out. i think i will give this one a shot sometime soon!

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