Candied Orange Peels


Around the time I was doing my Christmas baking (and no, I’m definitely not caught up on December happenings, blog-wise), Katie posted some Candied Orange Peels.  It came at a perfect time because I was going to make melomakarona the very next day, so I thought why not keep the peels and candy them? If there’s one thing people need around the holidays, obviously it’s even MORE sugar, right?

These were so easy to make and tasted great, albeit VERY sweet. Even *I* (proclaimer of “NOTHING is too sweet“) could only eat one or two at a time. You know those orange slices they sell at CVS or Walgreen’s, two packages for a buck? These taste just like those.

I first tried scraping out the pulp with knives and spoons, but soon discovered using my fingers was the easiest way to do it. The orange halves came out nice and clean and then I just followed Katie’s instructions, reducing the last sugar addition a bit.

These would be great half-dipped in melted dark chocolate, too.


Candied Orange Peels

21 thoughts on “Candied Orange Peels

  1. I love candied orange peel! I especially love baked goods that call for chopped up candied orange peel. Mmm.

  2. Those look so delicious! If I were to make them, I might not want to share with anyone else!
    Also, I tagged you on my blog. No pressure to participate, though. 🙂

  3. I have been wanting to do this for a while now, you have just inspired me. I made some tangerine slices last year and dipped them in 70% Lindt…delicious!

  4. I have been wanting to do this for a while now, you have just inspired me. I made some tangerine slices last year and dipped them in 70% Lindt…delicious!

  5. Oh yum! THey are so pretty!! Yeah, I did half in chocolate too, but the pics were horrible so I just ate them all myself. I’m so bad. 🙂

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