Balsamic-Honey-Pecan Chicken


Tom and I are leaving for Michigan after work today, so I wanted to leave you with a post since I’ll be taking a short break from blogging.

This is an incredibly easy way to spruce up plain ol’ chicken with ingredients you most likely have around already. In fact, I made this meal after being out of town for a few days and having virtually zero groceries. The toasty pecans make the coating nice and crunchy so you don’t even need to pan fry it before baking, cutting down on the fat and calories.

Balsamic-Honey-Pecan Chicken

2 thoughts on “Balsamic-Honey-Pecan Chicken

  1. this has been on my list for a while, and i finally made it tonight. it was amazing. i usually do my chicken on the stovetop instead of the oven, since the latter takes so much longer. but this recipe is worth the wait. i made 2 pieces with the intention of eating the second one for lunch tomorrow……but then i ate them both anyway because it was so good. yay flavorful chicken.

    by the by, this is my favorite food blog ever. i’m not the most experienced cook, and i don’t have the patience for lots of tedious ingredients and complicated steps – your recipes are non-intimidating and they are consistently top-notch. plus the portions are good for a girl who lives alone. my favorite has to be the moroccan chicken with lentils – probably the only time i’ve ever resolved to double the recipe next time so i’d have extra leftovers.

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the recipe, Ann! I usually do my chicken on the stovetop too, but sometimes it’s nice to just stick something in the oven and let it go. I’m so flattered by all the nice things you’ve said. 🙂 I’m happy my blog can be some inspiration to you, and you have just made me crave the moroccan chicken so I think I’ll have to make that next week. 🙂 Thanks again for your comments!

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