Curried Lamb and Lentil Stew


For the longest time, I thought I disliked curries. There’s no reason for this other than really poor assumption on my part (though I think my mom always saying she didn’t like curry didn’t help the situation). Nevermind the fact that there isn’t just ONE kind of curry (a fact that, regrettably, I did not really realize).

But then I started wondering how could I not like curries? I mean, the combo of the sweet & spicy flavors is so similar to Greek and Moroccan cooking, both of which I love. As soon as I realized that, I was on board.

Still, I didn’t want to end up with a ton of curry if for some strange reason I didn’t like it, so I went to the Spice House and just bought an ounce of yellow curry powder (one of the reasons why I love this store, besides their awesome spices, is the fact that you can buy just a tiny bag of any spice). And then, like most new things I buy, it sat in my cabinet for a while until I remembered it was there.

I very randomly came across this recipe when I was searching for nothing of the sort. Funny how that happens. I love lamb. I adore lentils. It seemed like a great place to start with the curry.

This was delicious. I made modifications based on my tastes and what I had around. It was even better the next day at lunch. I am officially a yellow curry fan. Now I just need to try other varieties.

This is not particularly spicy so if you want more heat add more cayenne.

Curried Lamb and Lentil Stew

4 thoughts on “Curried Lamb and Lentil Stew

  1. elly, you do cross the culture quite well, foodwise…not too many Greek dig curry (we’re the minority).

    This is winter comfort food and it make me wanna meditate and go “ummmmm”!

  2. Elly, welcome to the joys of curry. There is a lot to making a ‘good’ curry and I hope you can make time to try some more like you said. They are great!

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