Tourlou Tourlou!


Tourlou tourlou is a funny name for a seriously tasty dish.  Can you roll your Rs? I sure hope so because my high school Spanish teacher claimed that if you couldn’t roll your Rs, you were a mutant. She was a special lady. But if you have issues with R-rolling, it’s more authentic sounding to make a D sound. So it’s like toodloo toodloo. Got it? You are most welcome for your Greek Lesson of the Day (:::Elly cues “The More You Know” backdrop. “Da da da daaaaa!”:::)

Moving on, tourlou tourlou is basically a medley of vegetables roasted over a long period of time. It’s essentially the same thing as briam, which you may have seen on the menu at your local Greek place. The vegetables vary frequently, but I would argue that potatoes and zucchini are usually staples. You can use anything I’ve used, plus green beans, okra…whatever you want. Except cauliflower. Don’t use cauliflower because cauliflower is evil. 😛

So, big deal right? Roasted vegetables. Been there, done that. Not like this you haven’t. By roasting the vegetables for a really long time, all of their natural sweetness comes out and makes this dish super delicious. So delicious, in fact, that my husband told me when he was reheating his leftovers at work, a virtual stranger stuck his face in front of the microwave to see what smelled so good.

This main dish is especially popular during times when Greeks don’t eat meat, but it can also be a side dish for some type of protein. We ate this with some Greek-seasoned chicken breast. As I mentioned, the vegetables can vary as can the herbs. I’ve used dill and parsley in mine. There is something I just love about dill with certain vegetables, and especially with anything tomato-based.

mysteriously absent from photo: garlic


Tourlou Tourlou!

4 thoughts on “Tourlou Tourlou!

  1. Elly, I lived in Greece for 16 months and I learned to make this…with green beans as the base…and everything else you put in there. I NEVER knew what it was called. That could be because my Greek is terrible, but thank you for posting this!

  2. Hey! Can you do a recipe for mousaka? I never learned to make that, and all the recipes I’ve seen don’t look anything like what I ate while I lived there.

  3. I just wanted to let you know this is absolutely delicious. I first made it about 4 months ago, and now I make it at least every other week. My boyfriend absolutely loves it, and I am so happy you put this recipe up. Thank you!

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