Eat to the Beat: A Food Blogging Event
0Hey, you got a sweet tooth, and I remember
Ahhh, stand up on your feet
Hey, you got a sweet tooth and I remember
Sitting in the kitchen eating peanut butter
Eat to the beat!
~ Blondie
We’re all familiar with the idea of food tasting as good as it looks. But what about food tasting as good as it sounds?
I love music as much as I love food, so combining the two for my first try at hosting a blog event was a given. I’m excited to present to you Eat to the Beat–my foray into hosting a blog event. I really hope that many of you will have the chance to participate!
For this event, please make and blog about a food or drink that somehow relates to a song, an album, a band, etc. Maybe you’ll create a dish based on a song’s literal lyrics about food. Perhaps you’ll allude to a band’s name in your creation (Smashing Pumpkin bread, anyone?). Maybe your favorite band is from Poland or your favorite song is about Chicago, and you want to blog about popular cuisine in those locations. Were you listening to a particular song as you were cooking or eating a specific dish? As long as you explain why the food/drink you have chosen to make reminds you of something musical, it works for this event. From “On Top of Spaghetti” to “The Spaghetti Incident;” from Pearl[‘s] Jam to “She Don’t Use Jelly,” the possibilities are endless.
Please post your entry on your blog by midnight on March 2nd. If you don’t have a blog, no worries! Just send me an email with a picture of your food/drink and the story behind why you chose to make it. I will post your entry in the round-up, which I will do later that week.
In your entry, please mention this event and also include a link back to the URL. Then, email me at ellysaysopa [at] gmail [dot] com, and include your:
-blog name and URL
-permanent link to your entry for this event
-picture of your food or drink
I’m really looking forward to seeing all of the delicious and creative entries!
And a big thanks to my friend Annette for the lovely graphic for this event!